What is Chakra?
CHAKRA is a sanskrit word and it means center of energy. The yoga philosophy believe we have millions of energy centers all over our bodies but there are seven principals that are distributed along the spine. Even tho it's impossible to see the centers of energy on a x-ray for example; the connections they have with our emotional-physical-subtle bodies is incredibly felt when we are practicing yoga or any other holistic discipline such as Reiki or Acupuncture.

MULADHARA - THE FIRST CENTER OF ENERGY - located at the base of the spine and is also called "the root chakra". Represent security, stability and safety. Related with the feet, legs and also with the intestines. The element that represents Muladhara is earth and the color is red.
SVADHISTANA - THE SECOND CENTER OF ENERGY - located below the navel and also called "the sacral chakra". It represents creative and sexual energies. Is where all the power to create resides. Related with the sexual organs and kidneys. The element that represents Svadhistana is water and the color is orange.
MANIPURA - THE THIRD CENTER OF ENERGY - located below the chest and also called "the solar plexus center". It represents self-esteem, will power and personal responsibility. Related with the digestive system. The element that represents Manipura is fire and the color is yellow.
ANAHATA - THE FOURTH CENTER OF ENERGY - located in the center of the chest and also called "the heart center". It represents love, compassion, self-love and governs our relationships. Related with our heart and lungs. The element that represents Anahata is air and the color is green.
VISHUDDA - THE FIFTH CENTER OF ENERGY - located within the throat and also called "the throat center". It represents the ability to speak and communicate clearly and effectively. Related with the throat and lymphatic system. The element that represents Vishudda is ether and the color is blue.
AJNA - THE SIXTH CENTER OF ENERGY - located in the center of the forehead, between the eyebrows and also called "the third eye". It represents intuition. Related with the whole head, specially brain and eyes. The element that represents Ajna is light and the color is purple/violet.
SAHASHARA - THE SEVENTH CENTER OF ENERGY - located at the top of the head and also called "the crown center". It represents states of higher consciousness and divine connection. All the elements represent the crown chakra and the color can be silver, gold or white.
text by @mariaelisadelgaudiogeronazzo
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