Anahata chakra or the vishnu grant
The GRANTHIS, or knots, are significant blocks, or psychic hurdles, we must cross in order to raise energy. The knot or granthi that is located at ANAHATA CHAKRA, in the region of the heart, is called VISHNU GRANTHI. Vishnu is the Hindu God responsible to maintain the order is also known as the keeper of the good health. Untying the VISHNU GRANTHI frees us from worldly attachment to compassion and devotion, unities us with cosmic faith. It is related to the astral body and the world of emotions. A recommended mantra to help us unblock the unstruck sound of compassion is the Guru mantra: "Guru Brahma, Guru Vishnu, Guru Devo Maheshvara, Guru Sakshat, Param Brahma, Tasmai Shri Guruvey Namaha." A good book about chakras is the "CHAKRA WORKOUT" by Mary Horsley. Namaste :-)