
Showing posts from August 3, 2017

Wahe Guru Wahe Jio

This mantra means "clear perception of what is important to preserve" and that it "links the essence of your purpose to the greater minds and souls in the cosmos."  Enjoy, Namaste :-) 

The symbol of anahata chakra

The 12 petals of the lotus, each has a Sanskrit symbol, surround two triangles superimposed on each other forming a hexagonal star.  The upward-pointing triangle represents Shiva (yang) and three higher chakras (anahata, vishuddha, and ajna) and the downward-pointing triangle, represents Shakti (yin)  and the three lower chakras (muladhara, svadhistana and manipura). They also indicate inhalation and exhalation.  A symbol of perfect balance, it is traditionally colored smoky gray, like incense rising in a draft of air. In the center is a bana linga like a crescent moon, to represent the psychic blockage within. It is set in a shinny golden triangle - showing the explosion of the divine light that can be seen when the vishnu granthi (knot) is untied and the heart chakra opens. The deer at the bottom refers to the lightness of physical substance in the air element. There are also the picture of two Deities: Isa and Kakini Isa is an aspect of Shiva , Lord of Sp...