
Showing posts from March 6, 2017


MULADHARA. First Center of Energy. ROOT. BASE. Foundation. EARTH. MOTHER EARTH. Feet. Knees. Legs. Bones. Intestines. Security. Stability. BALANCE. Stomp. Awake. GROUND. Integrate. Feel part of the whole. RED. HEAT. Prosperity. Nature. Barefoot. Contact with the earth. STANDING POSES. Home. Family. Work. LAM. ROOT CHAKRA AFFIRMATION "I love being in my body.   I am centered and grounded. I am in peace with the material  world  in which I live. I am able to let go of fear  and know I am eternally safe".

What is Chakra?

CHAKRA is a sanskrit word and it means center of energy. The yoga philosophy believe we have millions of energy centers all over our bodies but there are seven principals that are distributed along the spine. Even tho it's impossible to see the centers of energy on a x-ray for example; the connections they have with our emotional-physical-subtle bodies is incredibly felt when we are practicing yoga or any other holistic discipline such as Reiki or Acupuncture. THE SEVEN CHAKRAS MULADHARA - THE FIRST CENTER OF ENERGY - located at the base of the spine and is also called "the root chakra". Represent security, stability and safety. Related with the feet, legs and also with the intestines. The element that represents Muladhara is earth and the color is red. SVADHISTANA - THE SECOND CENTER OF ENERGY - located below the navel and also called "the sacral chakra". It represents creative and sexual energies. Is where all the power to create resides....