Surya Namaskar Mantras

Image from The inspiration for practice today is to salute the 12 names of the Sun while we move throughout the Surya Namaskar - the classical one as done in Hatha Yoga. 1 - om mitraya namah - the friend of all 2 - om ravaye namah - the shining one 3 - om suryaya namah - the one that guides all 4 - om bhanave namah - the illuminator of all 5 - om khagaya namah - the stimulator of the senses 6 - om pusne namah - the nourisher of all 7 - om hiranya garbhaya namah - the creator 8 - om maricaye namah - the destroyer of disease 9 - om adityaya namah - the inspirer 10 - om savitre namah - the purifier 11 - om arkaya namah - the radiant 12 - om bhaskaraya namah - the illuminator And have a nice practice, dear friends! Namaste, _/|\_