
Showing posts from August 25, 2017

Surya Namaskar Mantras

Image from The inspiration for practice today is to salute the 12 names of the Sun while we move throughout the Surya Namaskar - the classical one as done in Hatha Yoga. 1 - om mitraya namah - the friend of all 2 - om ravaye namah - the shining one 3 - om  suryaya namah - the one that guides all 4 - om bhanave namah - the illuminator of all 5 - om  khagaya namah - the stimulator of the senses 6 - om pusne namah - the nourisher of all 7 - om hiranya garbhaya namah - the creator 8 - om maricaye namah - the destroyer of disease 9 - om adityaya namah - the inspirer 10 - om savitre namah - the purifier 11 - om arkaya namah - the radiant 12 - om bhaskaraya namah - the illuminator And have a nice practice, dear friends! Namaste, _/|\_