Feeling comfortable on my own skin.
"LAM... kundalini arohanam... muladhara... ommm..."
It's been almost two days after the workshop 'connecting with our roots' but that mantra is still very present NOW in me. Felt like writing just to say thank you to the ones that came together this past weekend and joined us at Reset.
The intention was to get grounded and comfortable on our own skin. Inside our own bodies. I wanted to make sure the mirrors were covered because the "inner eye" normaly is more generous than the "external eye". So we experienced some "yoga out of the mat" feeling the floor and connecting with our roots. I brought some "beats" to the scene to create a happy and safe environment to explore how we stand and express the body.
Always a challenge to propose some "out of the mat" activities because I'm asking people (Myself too. Believe me.) to step out of their comfort zone. And that is already a big practice. Isn't it?
But can say that I felt super honored to have one more time a group of "open minded" people super ready to learn more about themselves. Because in the end is always a self-study moment (Svadhiaya*), right? We stomped our feet and clapped hands; held hands; took deep breaths as one and we even danced too! To be honest, I prefer call "active meditation" because that what really is about. Is about giving people a chance to let the body loose whitout rules or judgments... like when we dance in parties... Why not?
The music is such a gateway to the soul. Exactly like yoga. Even the indians and shamans use music and 'circular dances' in most of their rituals to heal and to celebrate life (Atma*). So again, why not do a "little dance"? And some noise???
And we did. We "got down" that saturday afternoon. And I felt good inside my body. I felt so good to be able to move; to squat; to jump; and to breathe... Felt amazing to feel comfortable on my own skin. Was wearing red so super in tune with my muladhara :-)
Have to say that most of my balance on that moment came from all the preparation and studies that i've being doing recently. For example, that slow flow vinyasa sequence we did using virabhadrasana I and II, vrikshasana and garudasana*. Definitely, helped me to get more connected with my intentions and my foundation.
Thank you a million of times for your presence and energy. I really hope you enjoyed too. And please, share your thoughts if you feel like to. It's all about exchanging and being part of a lovely community.
Namaste, dear friends!
Keep grounded and in peace :-)
I see you soon,
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text @mariaelisadelgaudiogeronazzo photo @ Leigh Rutherford |
*words in sanskrit and yoga poses
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