Me and my mat.
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For the last year and so I've been blessed with this beautiful group of 'yoga lovers' that also share the same passion of practicing yoga. So two days of the week we meet at 6 am and I lead a class where we flow together. The inspiration came from my first master teacher Jonny Kest that used to let us follow his personal practice - every day. And until this day I remember some very important moments I lived there with my mat and together with a bunch of yogis and yoginis. The amount of things I learned just following him is hard to explain in words. And now a days, just like it was back in 2003 there are still some days that are though and the body is just saying "no". But there are many great days too. And today was one of those special days.
I'm still feeling very in sync with the 'Mahashivaratri' energy of celebrating new beginnings and therefore the early practice we did today was very special. We did celebrate new beginnings: the new day, the new month and our brand new intentions for the present moment in our lives. We salute the Sun 27 times together. Flowing, breathing and sweating as one. I sweat heaps. But always when I do this ritual I feel a deep connection with the Divine Life Force (my breath) with the energy from the group; and specially with my intentions and so it's incredible the light I feel on that moment guiding me. I'm there really just as a humble channel receiving and donating prana... Exchanging. Recharging. Recycling. Reseting.
Had an incredible day after that early start and I'm still here full of energy, love and gratitude for today. Gratitude Universe. You've been amazingly good to me.
So let's come together ?
I promise me and my mat will be there.
Namaste, dear yoga lovers.
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