Celebrating a new Equinox.

Inspiration came today with the new Equinox. Here in the southern hemisphere we are welcoming the FALL (autumnal equinox) while in the northern hemisphere people are receiving SPRING (vernal equinox). 

But what is an Equinox again? According to astronomy is when the sun's direct rays are crossing over the Earth's equator from the southern hemisphere to the northern hemisphere. During these days we have nearly equal amounts of daylight and darkness. So, day and night are balanced to nearly 12 hours each. All over the world. 

The Autumn or Fall is such a special time to observe nature and feel connected and more intuitive. We can observe the exotic trees turning into autumnal shades of gold, orange and red; and also settled sunny days are common. Autumn is known as the season of the harvest, when we reap what we planted in the spring. It is the time to gather nature's bounty, the fruits and vegetables, the grains and nuts.

And aren't we like nature? In fact, there is really no separation. Which brings me to that premisse that the only certainty we really have is that there will be change. No matter how hard we like to hold on to the present moment if everything is fine or how much we want to let go if things are hard. In both cases, we can only be sure that is just a matter of time until changes happen. That's why I feel we should remember that we can have "seasons" too. That's fine and very 'natural'. We don't need to force ourselves to be "shiny-happy-people" every day. That's not only exhausting but also isn't real. It happens only on social medias but not in real life. We are humans. We feel. We think. We create. We are more sensitive than we judge ourselves to be. So, just like a season, what you are going through now will pass. Specially if you are suffering. Believe that will pass. 

If you are facing difficult times in your life try spending more time in the nature. Go for a walk or a swim... Or maybe just seat outside and look at the sky. Try to hug a tree like nobody is looking. IT'S SO GOOD!!! 

Yes, you will have the same problems you had before but maybe your mind and heart will be more nurtured by new life force (PRANA) afterwards. You might get some insights or shift in thoughts?! Who knows?!

The contact with Nature is such a divine thing that this advice works if you are going through the opposite too. Even better to go 'outdoors' and do exactly the same. I'm sure your positive eyes will be able to see the most amazing colors there are out there. 

It's all about choices. You don't choose the pain in your life but you definitely can choose the suffering. Either you can be miserable or find a solution. It's all about choices. Every single day. Put on the 'positive sunglasses' instead of the 'negative' ones. Life is too short, my beloved friends. Honor each breath. Bless Mother Earth. Try not to take your life for granted. 

Specially if you were born and live in Paradise. Not everybody is lucky like that. 

EASTWOODHILL ARBORETUM - GISBORNE/NZ - text and photo @mariaelisadelgaudiogeronazzo


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