Yesterday, I remembered that one day I was teaching in Brazil and a beloved friend and student of mine at that time came to me after class and said how much she loved to practice with music. And then she added: "Music is such a gateway to the Soul. Like Yoga". Wise comment, beautiful friend. And is precisely my understanding of yoga. Yoga is the gateway to the Soul. So during my walk as I reached the top of this amazing hill here in Gisborne, NZ; as I looked to the sky and to that incredible nature around me the words: I AM THE EYE IN THE SKY came to my Soul. And WOW. What a moment of complete connection and awakening that was. Thank you, Universe. I remembered the song from singer Alan Parsons. So, after I got home, I started to hear again. First time after many years. And for funnier it might sound today I felt that this song is probably registered in my DNA as my beloved father used to listen to it a lot when I was a kid. And then the gateway to the Soul was opened....