
Full moon flow inspiration.


Mantra to Overcome Attachment and Letting Go ❯ MOH MOHIYA ❯ Mantra Medit...


I am the eye in the sky.

Yesterday, I remembered that one day I was teaching in Brazil and a beloved friend and student of mine at that time came to me after class and said how much she loved to practice with music. And then she added: "Music is such a gateway to the Soul. Like Yoga". Wise comment, beautiful friend. And is precisely my understanding of yoga. Yoga is the gateway to the Soul. So during my walk as I reached the top of this amazing hill here in Gisborne, NZ; as I looked to the sky and to that incredible nature around me the words: I AM THE EYE IN THE SKY came to my Soul. And WOW. What a moment of complete connection and awakening that was. Thank you, Universe. I remembered the song from singer Alan Parsons. So, after I got home, I started to hear again. First time after many years. And for funnier it might sound today I felt that this song is probably registered in my DNA as my beloved father used to listen to it a lot when I was a kid. And then the gateway to the Soul was opened....

What is God?

THANK YOU. Choose Love. Namaste _/\_

Oh Samadhi _/\_

A film by SAMADHI is a word in Sanskrit that hasn't a proper translation. But Pantajali - the grand master and creator of the yoga philosophy - once said that Samadhi would be close for those who were committed to their meditation practice. As many yoga teachers mean, we need to have TAPAS. A discipline is an essential tool to a yogi since the very ancient times. Samadhi can be pure ENLIGHTENMENT. That moment of pure awakening that many of us felt before either during meditation or during 'real life' when sometimes that unexpected wisdom arise and pure love unfolds when we need it. And we feel that we are enough and have enough. No need for searching anything. Just being. Enough said. Watch this excellent movie and understand not only why we do yoga and meditation but also why we do every little thing we do. BE CAREFUL as we are talking about DANGEROUS CONTENT THAT MIGHT CHANGE YOUR PERCEPTION FOREVER ;-) The big risk is that you can experie...

Where do our thoughts come from?
